
How to Fix Email Click Rate Inflation from Bots in 5 Seconds 

 June 21, 2024

By  admin

How to Fix Email Click Rate Inflation from Bots in 5 Seconds!

Attention ecommerce brands: are fake bots inflating your email click rates? Say goodbye to false numbers and hello to real revenue with this quick fix.

Our latest 7-figure client grew revenues by 40% in just 30 days with us. 

But with great revenue jumps comes more challenges.

Like insane bot clicks. ​

One campaign specifically was mind-blowing!

You can see the screenshot here:

When the click rate went to 5%, we smiled.

At 10%, we toasted a winning campaign!

At ​20%, we paused a second.

And at 61%, we frowned…

Bots are here.

If you’re seeing inflated clicks, you have a bot problem.

Here’s how to solve ​it in seconds.

It’s so easy, I distilled it into a 1-minute Youtube Short

Here’s how to solve it.

1) Start by going to Canva.

Design a really small strip banner that’s entirely clear.

2) Download that as a JPEG or a PNG file.

Place that image into your template right there.

3) Now link it to a fake address like botsarehere.com.

You can use any fake address but this is easy to remember.
And maybe it’s owned by someone, who knows.

4) Create a Klaviyo bot segment

Segment should be people who clicked on an email where the URL equals botsarehere.

5) Suppress that segment from campaigns.

That way you get recalibrate your click rates better.
Last part is up to you.
You can either remove them or suppress them or every single campaign you said in perpetuity.
Your click rate will now go back to normal.
I have a correction to the video, though: you may have to worry about bots again.
Depends on a lot of variables including site traffic, ad spend, blog posts, etc.
But at least now, you’ve isolated the problem.

For your weekend homework, try this:

  1. Segment your list for your next campaign
  2. Look at your click rates for each segment
  3. Do they look inflated or not?

If inflated, follow the video steps to recalibrate. 

If you’re not even segmenting, go here. ​​

Because we’ll need to talk about how to upgrade your email program.

Click here if you want to implement more 10-figure email & SMS strategies of the top brands in minutes, not month.

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