
7 Ways to Turn One-Time and “Sometime” Buyers into Lifetime Buyers | Retention Nation Podcast 

 March 29, 2024

By  admin

7 Ways to Turn One-Time and “Sometime” Buyers into Lifetime Buyers | Retention Nation Podcastst

On our inaugural Retention Nation podcast episodes, hosted by Isaac Hyman, author, speaker, Masterclass creator, ex-VP of Retention and expert on email, SMS and retention for ecommerce brands, you’ll learn the top 7 ways to turn your one-and-done and sometime buyers into lifetime buyers! We dive into latest market research from Harvard Business Review, McKinsey, Statista and more, distilling it all down into seven data-driven ways that will keep customers coming back for more, keeping competitors at bay and maintaining a profitable ecommerce business! Now that you’ve identified your customer churn issues, you can start keeping customers forever using these strategies. This episode is must-listen for brands looking to grow customer lifetime value and unlock the true lifetime value from every customer on your list!

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